
story board ideas

water colour & cut out the props/characters - mix media, flat surface.
circles - never ending; repeated pattern/object ( things pull out of each other ).

lots of different kinds of ..

  1. cogs
  2. spinning wheels
  3. wheels

  1. carnival balloons
  2. earth
  3. apples (pebble ripple in stream type

  1. (different key rubbings) - leaves
  2. kites
  3. summer abstracted
  4. drums

  1. Cogs x 8/10 turning or multiplying - different colours and texture
  2. then mutate into spinning wheel - in common is spokes
  3. continue into wheels again x 6/8 *
  4. stripes of balloons common to spokes  to 1 into earth- lots of pattern - psychedelic 
  5. turn to apple colours x 6 --> 1
  6. drops into a stream causing ripples
* (  or, windmill - balloon comes out..cloud turns into apple )

  1. (leaf floating in water)
  2. different leaves / foliage texture pattern shape (grow)
  3. 1 grows into diamante leaf into kite
  4. kite float away to join more - move around sky
  5. kites smudge into summer sky - blue/pink--> orange etc

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